Engagement & Education

To achieve the goals of sustainable stormwater management, stormwater must be viewed as a resource rather than a waste. Engagement and education are vital – and CASQA is leading the way.

Public Messaging

The first major milestone is the development of public messaging to engage and educate on the goals of sustainable stormwater management. CASQA is pleased to announce Rain Ready California: Protecting and Collecting Water for Our Future.

This messaging is the first step in developing a suite of resources that can be used at the statewide scale and amplified or adapted at the local level. The goal is to increase support for projects that maximize stormwater capture, minimize pollution through True Source Control, and the funding necessary to implement these critical solutions. The next phase will include development of a public education website focused on this messaging and featuring successful projects that demonstrate how local communities are getting Rain Ready.


CASQA’s Engagement and Education Subcommittee leads this important work and provides a forum for stormwater professionals to share outreach ideas, experiences, and resources that change behavior and protect water quality. To engage with the leaders in this field, we encourage you to participate.