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LID Economics

Several factors can make LID cost competitive with conventional stormwater management practices. The use of stormwater retention near the source and open drainage conveyance channels can eliminate or reduce the need for costly curb and gutter, pipe, and inlet infrastructure. By integrating a network of local landscape-based stormwater controls into the development and eliminating the detention pond, more revenue generating space will be available for buildings or additional lots. Developers have also found that, because of the benefits, people will pay a premium for properties designed with LID strategies. When comparing LID costs to those of traditional stormwater infrastructure, care should be taken to avoid comparing “apples to oranges” as LID offers environmental and social benefits that are lacking with traditional infrastructure.

For specific examples of LID cost comparisons to conventional development, please see the following documents:

LID Applications

Parking Lots

This Technical Assistance Memo provides guidance for designing LID or “green” parking lots. The amount of impervious surface and heavy automobile use associated with parking lots makes them a significant source of stormwater runoff and pollutants. Incorporating LID strategies into new or retrofit parking lots supports our community and environment.

We offer a generic version of the document (either to print or post on a website) as well as an editable version of the document that you can customize with information for your municipality. Review our printing instructions (PDF) to determine which version will work best for you.

Downloads: Generic Versions

Downloads: Custom Versions

For questions about this document contact:

LID Structural BMPs

Central Coast Plant Guidance for Bioretention

This Technical Assistance Memo (TAM) provides guidance for selecting plants for use in bioretention features, such as bioretention swales, flow-through planters and rain gardens. Included in this document is a list of plants specially selected for use in low impact development (LID) systems. Although there are other bioretention plant lists, the plants proposed here were selected based on the following criteria:

  • Tolerant of varied moisture conditions (wet and dry)
  • Tolerant of varied soil types and growing conditions
  • Available for purchase at Central Coast plant nurseries
  • Maintenance requirements
  • Are not invasive weeds
  • Do not have aggressive/invasive root systems
  • Exhibit an attractive appearance.

Below you can download screen view and printing versions of the document, as well as a copy of the plant list included in the TAM.


Other LID Technical Resources

As a part of the CASQA Proposition 84 Grant – Removing Barriers to LID, several LID technical resources were developed or provided including:

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